Year: 2009

Plantable/reusable calendars

Plantable/reusable calendars

(Via Ecofriend) Cool: a company selling a calendar with pages that you plant to grow wildflowers. Cooler: This abstract perpetual calendar: Or, at the opposite extreme, the Martha Stewart take on a monthly tile calendar. Coolest: a Maker creating a gift calendar with weekly seed packets that can be grown into food at that time […]

Solar Purse

Solar Purse

Joe Hyneck wants to move your charger from the wall to your handbag. On cloudless days, he wanders his neighborhood to test whether the purse, which is plated in thin solar panels and contains a lightweight battery, is absorbing energy from the sun. After three hours of direct exposure, the purse generates enough electricity to […]

Middle-eastern patterned CNC-cut papercraft

Zillij by Chris K Palmer, (modified from a traditional design by his student Elizabeth Ager), 2009, 12″ diameter. Cut on the Craft ROBO Pro and assembled by Jeffrey Rutzky. While teaching architecture at the University of Colorado-Boulder, Chris K Palmer developed Rhinoscripts to calculate intersecting ribs. Using several variables, such as material thicknesses, the script […]