Year: 2010

Origami Club Web Site

Design*Sponge posted about the Oragami Club Web Site this morning, and I found myself being instantly sucked into their massive collection of origami tutorials. The variety of projects and skill level is astounding, and they even have animations to guide you through each fold. I’m also charmed by the names of some of their projects, […]

Hug-Sensitive Dalek

Our Director of Retail Marketing, Heather Harmon Cochran, sent around a lovely customer email to our internal mailing list in praise of the new Make: Electronics book, including images of this awesome light-up, huggable Dalek. Gareth has the full story on Make: Online.

The weather clock

The weather clock

From the MAKE Flickr pool Sean built a digital weather display with a very analog feel - I took an old clock, removed the mechanism and replaced it with an Arduino (micro-controller) that checks the weather on the Environment Canada website every fifteen minutes and update the hands accordingly. It also has a web server […]