How-To: Homemade Gummi Candy
Cindy of Skip to My Lou shares how to make homemade gummi candies (not just for bears anymore!).
Cindy of Skip to My Lou shares how to make homemade gummi candies (not just for bears anymore!).
Matthew Borgatti made this cosmonaut lamp, pictured here with an Edison bulb. I love how the power cord looks like a space tether. More: Matthew Borgatti’s Anywhere Organ up for Fun Theory award
The Automatic wireless drink mixer is a final project for a group from the University of Washington’s Electrical Engineering department (ee478). There’s a wireless touchpad interface that talks to the main unit via xbee, an RFID cup interface that keeps track of what you drink, and the whole thing is controlled by a PIC32.
Wait. Strike that! Reverse it! It’s an “anti-mosquito flamethrower.” By one Johannes Vogl. [via Boing Boing]
Tech author Jim Kelly (who’s written a stack of books on Lego Mindstorms) has decided to do all of the 35 experiments in Make: Electronics and to document the entire process. This is likely to be immensely helpful to others who are using the book as a self-taught course in electronics. He’s done the first […]
The gadget orgy of CES, and the angry kerfuffle over the SparkFun Free Day, made me think of this viral video from an appearance of comedian Louis CK on Conan O’Brien. We take so much of our modern technology and modern services for granted. They seem to almost instantaneously become birthrights to us. Example: A […]
It’s that time! Top 10 astronomy photos of 2009… …astronomy is so visually appealing as well! Colorful stars, wispy, ethereal nebulae, galactic vistas sprawling out across our telescopes… it’s art no matter how you look at it. And our techniques for viewing the heavens gets better every year; our telescopes get bigger, our cameras more […]