Day: May 13, 2011

Make: Projects – Chemical Woodburning

Make: Projects – Chemical Woodburning

If you want to apply a maker’s mark or other repeated pyrograph to wooden goods, but can’t justify the expense of a custom branding iron, a practically identical effect can be achieved by applying a strong solution of ammonium chloride, for instance using a foam rubber stamp, followed by relatively mild heat.

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Android Controlled 3D Printed Slalombot

Android Controlled 3D Printed Slalombot

Walking, rolling, floating, and swimming among the packed crowd at the Google I/O afterparty were numerous robots autonomous and otherwise under the influence. If you were to drop by the Maker Faire booth you would have gotten the chance to try your luck at navigating the slalom course with Brian Jepson’s 3D printed Slalombot using an Android smartphone’s accelerometer.

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