Month: September 2012

Identified Flying Objects

Identified Flying Objects

If you’re hanging out in the grassy knoll between the Diet Coke and Mentos Stage and the Life-Size Mousetrap (perhaps staking out a good spot for the next show?) you might see or hear some little flying machines buzzing over head. Whether it’s a quad copter from AeroQuad or a soaring foam plane from Brooklyn […]

Maker Faire New York: Pizza Moto

Maker Faire New York: Pizza Moto

The coolest projects at Maker Faire combine elements from multiple disciplines. Brooklyn’s Pizza Moto does just that. The mobile wood-fired pizza oven is one of the fair’s food vendors, but it’s an example of DIY craftsmanship, too. Designer/pizzaiolo Dave Sclarow built the oven on top of a Korean-war era military trailer. He worked with a […]