Gareth Branwyn, Author at Make: DIY Projects and Ideas for Makers - Page 369 of 643

Latest from Gareth Branwyn

Moleskine wallet

Moleskine wallet


Here’s a wallet/cover Richard Bryan made for his Moleskine sketchbook. It’s made out of duck cloth and elastic banding material...

Lunch box guitar

Lunch box guitar


A link to this was posted in the comments to yesterday’s cigar box guitar post, but I thought it was...

Peggy hacks

Peggy hacks


Evil Mad Scientist Labs has put up a page on recent developments in their Peggy 2.0 Light Emitting Pegboard, including...

Steam car project update

Steam car project update


Jake von Slatt has published a progress report on this project to turn an old 1929 Mercedes replica kit car...

BeetleBot Revisited

BeetleBot Revisited


Jerome Demers, who did the BeetleBot project in Volume 12 of MAKE, has posted an updated version of the project,...

Pool noodle chair

Pool noodle chair


Here’s a chair made out of furniture-grade birch plywood, pine dowels, cast aluminum, and pool noodles for the cushions. Four...

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