Gareth Branwyn, Author at Make: DIY Projects and Ideas for Makers - Page 421 of 643

Latest from Gareth Branwyn

IKEA gaming table

IKEA gaming table


Eric Gradman, who brought us the awesome Trash 80 bluetooth “prank,” has posted a Flickr set for his cool MAME...

iPod Mini drive upgrading

iPod Mini drive upgrading


Here’s an Instructable on upgrading the microdrive on your iPod Mini. Add More GB to your iPod Mini – Link...

Tesla meets the Salad Shooter


Crazed “Tesla turbine” maker MrfixItRich is at it again. Just in time for Thanksgiving dinner, he demos his water-powered Tesla...

Soviet TV casemod

Soviet TV casemod


Via Avi Abrams’ most-excellent Dark Roasted Blends comes this gorgeous AMD Athlon 64×2 Dual Core PC w/ 400GB HD housed...

Hum-able ode to Pleo


I have to admit, when I got email from our pal Robert Oschler, of RobotsRule, announcing that he’d penned a...

Apocalyptic wargaming terrain

Apocalyptic wargaming terrain


There’s tabletop miniature wargaming, and then there’s housewide miniature wargaming, a.k.a. certifiable insanity. I wonder if these guys ever get...

Seat belt buckle bag mod

Seat belt buckle bag mod


Lenore of Evil Mad Scientist Labs has posted a nice how-to on adding a seat belt buckle to a commuter/messenger/sling...

Making Arduino sing, Part Two

Making Arduino sing, Part Two


uC Hobby has posted the second installment of their Arduino sound articles. This is the second in a series of...

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