Gareth Branwyn, Author at Make: DIY Projects and Ideas for Makers - Page 429 of 643

Latest from Gareth Branwyn

LED lamp art

LED lamp art


A French designer named Kei Yamamoto has created this uber LED lamp which is 20 times the size of a...

Baking pan amp

Baking pan amp


I’ve seen a lot of creative project boxes in my day, but never a baking pan. This is a three-resistor...

Arduino-controlled kegerator

Arduino-controlled kegerator


David Fowler of uC Hobby writes: Sean shows us how to use an Arduino for kegerator temperature control. A Kegerator...

TV retro casemod

TV retro casemod


Steve Lodefink sent us a link to pics of this 1957 Magnavox set re-used as the cabinet for a modern...

Wearing your need for wireless

Wearing your need for wireless


I was so tickled when I got my ThinkGeek catalog last week and saw their Wi-Fi Detector shirt. I immediately...

Yankee Steam Up coverage

Yankee Steam Up coverage


Jake von Slatt, from the Steampunk Workshop, managed to make it to this year’s Yankee Steam Up event at the...

Binary LED clock

Binary LED clock


Another binary LED clock, this one built with 74HC4040 binary ripple counters [PDF]. Binary LED Clock – Link Related: HOW...

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