Gareth Branwyn, Author at Make: DIY Projects and Ideas for Makers - Page 430 of 643

Latest from Gareth Branwyn

i-Sobot Fight Club


The i-Sobot, Tomy’s mini-humanoid, has barely been stacked on stores shelves and already toybot enthusiasts have been busy making silly...

Tesla coil construction

Tesla coil construction


Maker Jason Wolf sent us a link to his page detailing his build of half-mil Tesla Coil. Nice docs, with...

Backyard surveillance system


David Bynoe, a Canadian artist, built this 20-foot-tall periscope, dubbed Blockwatch, in his backyard. Blockwatch – periscope surveillance system –...

DIY wooden keyboard kit

DIY wooden keyboard kit


From Pink Tentacle: Hacoa, a brand known for its high-quality, hand-made wooden keyboards and peripherals, will soon begin offering a...

Bike-mower roundup

Bike-mower roundup


Treehugger has put together a fun roundup of bikes with reel mowers bolted onto the fronts of them. Not sure...

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