Gareth Branwyn, Author at Make: DIY Projects and Ideas for Makers - Page 438 of 643

Latest from Gareth Branwyn

iRobot Create ServerBot


This builder used his iRobot Create platform to quest for the holy grail of domestic bots: the drink-serving robo-butler. ServerBot...

DIY Death… er… Diving Bell

DIY Death… er… Diving Bell


How to turn a trash can, some plexi, and a drill-powered air pump into an old school (like Aristotle’s class)...

Homemade jet engine


Hmmm. Beer and garage-built jet engines. Is it just me or does this look like an accident waiting to happen?...

Defconbots autonomous sentry gun


Kevin Hjelden and his friend Joe built this autonomous shooter for this year’s Defconbots competition. They described the build before...

Dorkbot DC, Sept 10, 2007

Dorkbot DC, Sept 10, 2007


Next Monday is the next meeting of Dorkbot DC. It looks to be a great event. Above is the PDF...

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