Marc de Vinck, Author at Make: DIY Projects and Ideas for Makers - Page 2 of 164

Latest from Marc de Vinck

iHacked the iNecklace

iHacked the iNecklace


This is a simple way to make the iNecklace light glow any color of the rainbow. In fact, it’s so...

Supercap Racer Kit

Supercap Racer Kit


Assemble the Supercap Racer kit and make a new toy that's fast, unpredictable, and fun to build.

Kitty Twitty Cat Toy

Kitty Twitty Cat Toy


About 2 months ago, after years of begging and pleading from my family, I reluctantly agreed to get another cat...

Circuit Skills:     LED Color Organ

Circuit Skills: LED Color Organ


Long before the dawn of digital music, folks employed the power of the electric color organ (aka “light organ”) to...

Circuit Skills: LED Matrix

Circuit Skills: LED Matrix


Many an experimenter, hacker, tinkerer, & maker have heeded the call of the mighty matrix – and it’s no mystery...

Circuit Skills: Surface Mount Devices

Circuit Skills: Surface Mount Devices


This project by Collin uses a familiar schematic — the light-sensitive oscillator (aka “phototheremin”) as originally described in Forrest Mims’...

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