
Robotic Fish Uses only One Servo

Robotic Fish Uses only One Servo

At the Center for Biorobotics in Estonia, Eszter Ozsvald built a mechanical fish named A.riel that can model the movements of actual fish surprisingly well, and using only one servo inside a carefully made silicon-based mold. It took many iterations before the final product, but found that in the end she could develop the same vortex patterns as actual fish. Her site has extensive documentation on the build process and is definitely worth a look for the mold-making processes alone.

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Altoids Tin Learning Boxes

Laura, the blogger and educator behind Smallgood Hearth, is doing some pretty fantastic things with empty Altoids tins. The latest additions to her altered Altoids tins project include a mini solar system and a disabilities awareness tin. The solar system box comes complete with a mnemonic device for remembering the order of the planets and […]

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3-DIY: Eric Kurland (video)

Eric Kurland makes DIY stereoscopic (3D) cameras and displays from off-the-shelf components. He runs a 3D film festival in Los Angeles and showed off his work at Maker Faire Bay Area 2011 in a special 3D village. Subscribe to the Maker Faire Podcast in iTunes, download the m4v video directly, or watch it on YouTube […]

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