Raspberry Pi Haunted Jack in the Box
Take the suspense of a leaping clown and add face-detection that creepily turns a crank when it sees you approaching.
If you’re a maker, 3d printing is an incredibly useful tool to have in your arsenal. Not only can it help bring your projects to life faster, but it can also offer unique results that would be difficult (or impossible!) to achieve with traditional methods. In these blog posts, we’ll provide you with some essential information and tips regarding 3D printing for makers—including the basics of how to get started, plus creative tutorials for spicing up your projects. Whether you’re already familiar with 3d printing or are just starting out, these resources will help take your game-making skills even further!
Take the suspense of a leaping clown and add face-detection that creepily turns a crank when it sees you approaching.
This past week, Inventables spotlighted its maker pro users, Indiegogo launched a marketplace, and new 3D printing frontiers were reached.
It’s the Sunday before Halloween! If you don’t have a costume or decorations to put up yet, then these last minute tips should help you out.
Download and print the custom design, then put your candy corn to good use. Just don’t aim at anyone’s heads, please.
There have been questions from the maker community about the viability of the Ono printer, so we set out to see it in action.
Matthew Borgatti describes himself as a Dielectrical Materialist. He enjoys working with his hands and making quick iterations on his ideas.
Maker Faire Denver has it all, whether you’re in the mood to watch robot cars fight, drones race, or kids create their own chainmail.