Furniture & Lighting

The latest DIY ideas, techniques and tools for making furniture and home decor for every room in the house, including the garage.

Skateboard stools

Skateboard stools

I spotted these nifty stools on the Inhabitat blog and immediately had two thoughts — these are super cool(!), and there’s gotta be a way to use the 6 or so skateboards scattered in my yard to make one myself (or a close facsimile thereof). After these thoughts, I immediately went to the maker’s website […]

Prehistoric lumber

Prehistoric lumber

Ancientwood, Ltd., is a US company that imports 50,000-year-old Kauri logs that have been preserved for millennia in peat bogs under New Zealand’s northern island. Besides its value as a conversation piece, ancient Kauri is mined, rather than logged, and no live trees are killed in the process. Kauri trees (Agathis spp.) thrive in New […]

Through-color MDF

Through-color MDF

German chemical giant BASF pioneered the technology to colorize the traditionally blah-colored world of manufactured wood products like medium-density fiberboard (MDF). Besides requiring no or little finishing, through-color MDF will not betray scrapes or scratches like painted material. It has been available in Europe for awhile now, but only relatively recently in the US through […]