Maker Faire Rome 2021 Gets “Phygital”
Maker Faire Rome – The European Edition returns in “phygital” format October 7-10 with an awesome diversity of amazing innovation, art, and maker ingenuity.
Maker Faires are popping up everywhere, offering great opportunities to connect with both veteran makers and aspiring innovators. From learning new skills, inspiring creativity, showcasing projects and having fun – there’s something for everyone of all ages at each event. In this collection of blog postst we take a look at the latest news and stories from Maker Faire events around the world!
Maker Faire Rome – The European Edition returns in “phygital” format October 7-10 with an awesome diversity of amazing innovation, art, and maker ingenuity.
FabLab Croatia and its partner organizations bring creativity, technology, and innovation back to Croatia’s capital in 2021!
Maker Faire Tokyo 2021 is online and taking Twitter by storm this weekend. All makers welcome to join in the fun!
All the madness and magic, now in the center of town at Maker Faire Eindhoven 2021!
Maker Faire Milwaukee returns with a new producer—Gearbox Labs—and new home at the Milwaukee School of Engineering! After cancelling the Faire in 2020, Gearbox Labs partnered with MSOE for this year’s event to underscore the impact of the maker movement on higher education, as well as the growing role of makers in society. The producers […]
Maker Faire Trieste celebrates ingenuity and creativity by the sea this weekend!