Energy & Sustainability

If you’re a maker just starting out your journey in sustainability, it can be overwhelming to figure out how to get started. From understanding the types of materials to utilize, learning what steps will help reduce waste and emissions, and finding inspiring new ways to explore creativity that don’t have a negative environmental impact. The good news is there are plenty of resources available for DIYers looking for ways to make their projects more sustainable – from simple switches you can make today, big-picture ideas for longterm change, or exciting new ways makers are helping push sustainability into the future. In these blog posts we’ll look at tips tricks and ideas specifically tailored towards diyers and makers on the road to creating projects with greater eco consciousness so that not only will you create something beautiful but also respect its impact on our planet!

Solar-Powered Scooter Update

Solar-Powered Scooter Update

Dscf2003 Follow up on the solar powered scooterWith Don approaching 1,000 solar-powered miles (he has 932 and counting), Don’s scooter seems to still be going strong. In fact, it has been five months since Don last had to charge it. In those five months, Don has been driving his scooter almost every day going around 11 miles on the average day. By occasionally giving his scooter a day off, he is able to make sure that his scooter always has a charge. Link.

Cease and desist for NYC iPod Subway Maps

Cease and desist for NYC iPod Subway Maps

The site plans to get permission and/or make custom versions, but for now no more NYC maps for the iPod – the New York MTA has ordered me to remove the official maps from the site. I am hoping to acquire a license from their marketing department to offer the maps here. In the meantime, I hope you can all wait. Thanks. If worse comes to worse, I’ll make up a custom set of maps and offer them here. . Link.

More on the super 80mpg Prius…

More on the super 80mpg Prius…

Hybrid Tinkerers.Sff Cajc803 20050815151155 It looks like a typical Toyota Prius hybrid, but in the trunk sits an 80-miles-per-gallon secret – a stack of 18 brick-sized batteries that boosts the car’s high mileage with an extra electrical charge so it can burn even less fuel. Gremban, an electrical engineer and committed environmentalist, spent several months and $3,000 tinkering with his car. Link.

Homebrew Linux based Car PC…

Homebrew Linux based Car PC…

25 In the spirit of MAKE Volume 03’s MOD YOUR ROD- This car mod shows off a LINUX-based CarPC that is just plain awesome. He can listen to music, watch videos, view slideshows, sniff wireless networks and plot them with GPS, browse the web with Firefox, connect to his cell phone via Bluetooth, stream DirecTV, remote-start the car, and connect to it via WI-FI, EVDO…Lots of great pics. [via] Link.

The Budget Traveller’s Guide to Sleeping in Airports

The Budget Traveller’s Guide to Sleeping in Airports

Airport-01-GifThis has been handy for me lately, as every flight I book is delayed or has some type of problem...For travellers who are REALLY on a budget and are looking for a way to skim a few bucks off their travel expenses, why not consider sleeping in an airport? Many airports are actually better than local lodging. And to top it off – IT’S FREE! Your friends and family may look at you funny when you return with your airport stories, but that’s only part of the fun. So now, sit back….get out your travel itinerary and plan which airports you’re going to sleep in (or avoid altogether) during your next trip. Link.