Arduino Prototyping with your Android Phone
1Sheeld connects with and exposes the device’s sensors, actuators, and selected app APIs for easy access by the Arduino.
As the preeminent tool for makers, Arduino is a versatile platform that covers almost every type of creative making. With its simple-to-use coding language and fun programming concepts, Arduino enables users to create modern electronics with ease. From beginner level projects like flashing LED lights to more advanced builds such as interactive robots, there are an endless number of possibilities when it comes to building projects with Arduino. Whether you are new or an experienced builder in search of fresh ideas, these posts will provide interesting Arduino tutorials and unique ideas that may spark your creativity and motivate you take on any type of maker project!
1Sheeld connects with and exposes the device’s sensors, actuators, and selected app APIs for easy access by the Arduino.
Bare Conductive’s Touch Board is based on Arduino Leonardo.
The snap-together circuits are now programmable thanks to the new Arduino module.
Hinted at yesterday by Massimo Banzi during his keynote speech at MakerCon yesterday, Arduino has just officially announced their latest board—the Arduino Zero.
Arduino-compatible brain, Bluetooth LE connectivity, 3D-printed case, and open-source design.
Making a self-maintained, Arduino-based garden helped with instilling “grit,” the trait of not giving up when you hit obstacles.
Two Weekend Projects from our archives are ideal for challenging makers to hack their houseplants and collect data from their garden.