
Build your own Marx Generator

Build your own Marx Generator

01514032.Jpg Do you like the idea of tesla coils and other high-voltage sparking stuff, but don’t have the time, money or patience to build something that elaborate? Here’s a fun little project that can make big, fat, noisy sparks at least 2 inches long, and can be built very quickly and cheaply. The Marx generator consists of an array of resistors, capacitors and spark gaps. Link.

Unlocking the GeForce 6800

Unlocking the GeForce 6800

Geforce6800 Some video card hacking…Firingsquad is running a story on how to unlock all 16 pipelines in nVidia’s GeForce 6800. By default the card only ships with 12 pixel pipelines enabled, but with a tool and a few mouse clicks, the card can be unlocked to run with all 16 pipes. Performance improvements are seen everywhere, so it’s a pretty nice free upgrade. These cards are currently selling for $200 online, so a 16-pipe GeForce 6800 delivers great bang for the buck. [via] Link.