
Crafting wood can be a complex and rewarding task, but often times beginners may find themselves frustrated with their results. But no matter where you are in your woodworking journey, there are always tips and tricks that can help you create something beautiful – without breaking the bank. We’re going to look at woodworking tips and tricks for makers of all skill levels so even if you feel like it’s too overwhelming to attempt your own project, we’ll provide some guidance so don’t give up just yet!

April’s Ultimate Shop Workbench

April’s Ultimate Shop Workbench

Plans for building a simple, sturdy workbench with plenty of storage options.

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Building a Portable, Collapsible Workbench

Building a Portable, Collapsible Workbench

A quick and easy-to-build mobile, foldable workbench for space-conscious makers.

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What Can You Make with a Single Sheet of Plywood?

What Can You Make with a Single Sheet of Plywood?

The Modern Maker Podcast, in partnership with Rockler Woodworking, announced they’re doing a woodworking video challenge where contestants can only use one sheet of plywood.

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Carving a Massive Wooden Baseball Chair with Paul Jackman

Carving a Massive Wooden Baseball Chair with Paul Jackman

Paul Jackman recently published a fantastic video on how he made a chair that looks like a giant baseball that’s been sawn in two.

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Behold the Intricate Beauty of the Rose Engine

Behold the Intricate Beauty of the Rose Engine

Last year, Caleb Kraft visited Maker Faire Paris and had a wonderful time. One of the exhibits that really caught his eye was the rose engine display.

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