The Whimsical and Skilled “Perfect Storm” Of Uri Tuchman
Humor and craftsmanship collide to leave you breathless
Whether you are creating intricate jewelry or repairs on large machinery and vehicles, metalworking can help make your projects come to life. But it’s not enough to just have the right equipment; knowing a few tips and tricks of the trade will take your creations to the next level! In this blog post, we’ll be discussing some essential metalworking tips that all makers should know in order to perfect their craft.
Humor and craftsmanship collide to leave you breathless
Inspired by a two-flip wooden shop workbench, Jimmy DiResta welds up a three-flip bench.
Laura Kampf builds a gorgeous brass and walnut tool wall for her shop.
Jimmy accepts the Zombie Weapon Challenge and forges himself a scary-looking stabby thing.
The biggest beast that ever lived, the blue whale dwarfs even the dinosaurs
see Katelyn lift a car in the air like a maniac
Pask Makes turns a propane gas bottle into a shop forge.