Books & Magazines

Anyone Can Use AI

Anyone Can Use AI

Build your first AI project using a micro:bit board and Google’s Teachable Machine

Get Barreled: How To Store Drinking Water

Get Barreled: How To Store Drinking Water

Most of us have experienced power outages. While brief interruptions are unpleasant, lengthy outages that can occur after severe weather, forest fires, and earthquakes can cause loss of food stored in refrigerators and freezers unless a backup generator is available. While water outages are less common than power outages, drinkable water becomes much more important than […]

Making Calculus With LEGO

Making Calculus With LEGO

Isaac Newton developed calculus back in the mid-1600s as a tool to explain physical phenomena, in particular the motions of planets. As it turned out, it was also a way to encode how things move and change more generally, from economies to populations of rabbits and foxes. When Newton did it, his reasoning was mostly geometrical, […]