Search Results for: pets

461 - 480 of 534 results
Jug Hero @ Maker Faire

Jug Hero @ Maker Faire


Longing for a more collaborative play dynamic in music games, Kevin Lim and Shawna Hein came up with a new...

Stop motion puppet-making

Stop motion puppet-making


This Instructables author will be posting a 4-part series on making stop-motion puppets. This is their first such puppet, so...

Shisha Embroidered RFID Tags


RFID tags are those tiny identifiers in your keyfobs, pets, and quickpay systems. I use them in various art projects...

Great Day for Makers in Austin


The Austin auditions for Maker Faire were held at the Austin Children’s Museum on Sunday July 15. We had a...

DNA Hacking

DNA Hacking


DNA Hack is website for Amateur Genetic Engineering. The site has tons of resources, supplies, how-tos and this interesting snippet...

DIY iPod sock puppet

DIY iPod sock puppet


I finally figured out what I am going to do with the iPod socks, make puppets. This first puppet is...

The Original Boys Handy Book

The Original Boys Handy Book


MAKE Flickr photo pool member Timmy writes – First published in 1882 this timeless bestseller by one of the founders...

Cat hunting robot

Cat hunting robot


The headline is a little misleading, a robot didn’t actually hunt a cat… just looked for one GKD writes –...

Needle-Felted Yip Yip Alien


Craftster user Krissykat made herself a funny little Yip-Yip alien toy! He’s completely needle-felted, with yarn-wrapped pipecleaner antennae. For those...

Arduino contest

Arduino contest


The folks from Libelium sent in their Arduino contest, looks interesting – It is a contest for everyone who believes...

Laser-Etched Moleskines


Etsy seller Engrave has these lovely laser-etched Moleskine notebooks for sale. I hope they put up some with graph paper....

Amazing junk fliers on BBtv


On today’s episode of BBtv, Xeni interviews Carl Rankin, a model plane builder who creates impressive R/C planes out of...

DEPART-ment Interview


As craft fairs are popping up around the country this holiday season, for the last 4 years in Chicago, there’s...

461 - 480 of 534 results

Ready to dive into the realm of hands-on innovation? This collection serves as your passport to an exhilarating journey of cutting-edge tinkering and technological marvels, encompassing 15 indispensable books tailored for budding creators.