Copper tape

Simple, Cheap, Multi-Channel, Sound-Reactive EL Wire

Simple, Cheap, Multi-Channel, Sound-Reactive EL Wire

Most EL wire displays are static, because they use an inverter that simply turns the EL wire on (i.e. constant-on). Sound-reactive inverters are available, but most of these are only “single channel”, so the wires are either all on or all off. To really make your display dynamic you need an inverter with multiple output […]

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Tron Bag with EL Wire

Tron Bag with EL Wire

Tote your Thinkpad and port your Apple in style with our custom TRON-inspired laptop bag tutorial. With a little soldering and sewing skills you can have your own light-up satchel, sure to impress geeky friends. So grab your sewing needle and soldering iron and follow along. This project was a collaboration between ladyada & becky […]

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