Foam sheet

High-Pressure Foam Rocket

High-Pressure Foam Rocket

Calling a rocket that sprints over 100 feet into the air a “toy” might be a bit of a stretch. Toy or not, this rocket really packs a punch.

NFC-Enhanced Slip Case for Smartphones

NFC-Enhanced Slip Case for Smartphones

Once you have all the materials gathered, this project should take about an hour to complete (or slightly more, depending on your sewing skills). You’ll learn how to make a slip case for any smartphone but the magic is in the ability to utilize NFC (near-field communication) stickers and near-field radio-frequency blocking fabric to create […]

Light It Up!  Or, How Mom Lit Up My Costume Idea

Light It Up! Or, How Mom Lit Up My Costume Idea

This year Paul had the idea to be a candle for Halloween. Though it is well known in our family that Mom is a good seamstress and crafter, Paul really didn’t know how she could take his idea and run with it.

Portage Pack

Portage Pack

When tackling this project I had sewn some outdoor gear before but nothing this complicated. Shoulder/Hip straps were the most intimidating part, but once I got underway they went fine. Why did I decided to make a portage pack? Because I am often too cheap to buy a commercial or custom made item. The pack […]



Take stunning photographs of objects in motion with the stroboscope.