
Using the MakerShield – Button

Using the MakerShield – Button

The MakerShield is a great prototyping shield but the button can be a little confusing to use. Since it connects to ground when pressed, it takes a little extra wiring and one change in the code to get to work with with the Arduino example sketch. Follow along!

Spazzi: A Solenoid Powered Dancebot

Spazzi: A Solenoid Powered Dancebot

At BeatBots, we believe that dancing is one of the most worthwhile occupations a robot can have. We like making cute characters move in interesting ways, and as you’ll see, this doesn’t require expensive components or complicated programming. For Spazzi here, we decided to forego the rotational motors (servos and steppers) that many robots use. […]

Build a MakerShield

Build a MakerShield

If you aspire to do more than blink an LED with your new Arduino or Netduino, you need a prototyping shield that allows you to build a circuit. After listening to our readers and customers, we created a new kind of prototyping shield that supports the needs of noobs as well as advanced users. Introducing […]