On/off switch

LED Tank Top

LED Tank Top

Use conductive thread to make a wearable LED display.



Kids of all types need an easy way into electronics or they will get confused or bored with it. Putting electronics into simple blocks that the kids can play with may peak their interest in electronics. A MakerMeter is one or more blocks of electronic components built in a way that the kids can play […]

Simple Night-Vision Goggles

Simple Night-Vision Goggles

The camera uses near-infrared light emitted by the LEDs. Since it doesn’t have a near-IR filter, it picks up the IR light better than a normal camera does. The LEDs are super bright and the LED ring can throw light about 30 or 40 yards.

Hacking the Brain Machine

Hacking the Brain Machine

This is an alternate build of the Brain Machine from the Maker Shed. I really like the Brain Machine, but I wanted to make a version that does not mount the electronics to the glasses. Please note: Maggie is a highly trained electrical engineer, stunt-dog, and chemist. Please don’t use the Brain Machine on your […]

Cosmic Night Light

Cosmic Night Light

Make a glittering LED constellation jammed in resin —- with no soldering!