
Repeat After Me: A Mintronics Memory Game

Repeat After Me: A Mintronics Memory Game

In this project, we’ll turn a MAKE MintDuino microcontroller and a Mintronics Survival Pack into a replica of retro electronic memory games like Simon and the Tandy Pocket Repeat game sold by RadioShack in the 1980s. It’s amazing how fun and addictive this simple game is, and it’s a great way to learn about integrated […]

Arduino LED Fuel Gauge

Arduino LED Fuel Gauge

Arduino Fuel Gauge: A few months ago, I hit a pot-hole while driving my 1974 Dodge Dart and my fuel gauge immediately went to “E.” For a split second I thought I lost all of my fuel! My father-in-law suggested I drive backwards over the pothole to fix the gauge. It didn’t work. I researched […]

Skull Ball (Super Geek Beer Pong)

Skull Ball (Super Geek Beer Pong)

This guide will describe the steps required to build Skull Ball, a DIY interactive game using a teensy microcontroller and a Sharp IR sensor to count ping-pong balls being thrown into a plastic cup mounted in a plastic skull. I built this project in about 5-6 hours the week of my company Halloween party as […]

Arduino Morse Code Flasher

Arduino Morse Code Flasher

Arduinos are great open-source products with many uses, such as a Morse code flasher. This is a great project to begin with for people new to the Arduino.