Resistor 10KΩ

Security Box

Security Box

This is a very simple box design using a small box (a shoe box or smaller works) with a simple lock mechanism to represent the opening of the box. When you get the code right, a green LED lights up and the servo moves, unlocking the box (or at least making it easier to open). […]

Arduino-Controlled Night Light

Arduino-Controlled Night Light

Using a light sensor, some wire, and LEDs you can easily create an automatic night light that will turn on when you turn off the lights.

Adding Auto-Fire to a Computer Mouse (555 timer)

Adding Auto-Fire to a Computer Mouse (555 timer)

Remember the auto-fire (turbo) button on old video game controllers? This project adds an auto-fire button to a mouse for use with video games or just clicking random things quickly (if that’s what you’re into) using no more than a 555 timer, a capacitor and a couple of resistors. My main goal in this project […]