Wood glue

Lighted Shelf

Lighted Shelf

Since my wife’s perfume collection was literally taking up the bathroom, I built a lighted shelf in the bedroom to accommodate the many bottles she has. It also gives off a very nice glow at night.

Inkle Loom

Inkle Loom

Weaving is one of my favorite crafts because it’s meditative and challenging, practical and artistic. It combines plain-woven cloth’s simple elegance with the astounding complexity of a kilim split-stitch tapestry. I love the way woven straps look, but the idea of warping my floor loom just to make something as narrow as a strap for […]

Gigantic Bubble Generator

Gigantic Bubble Generator

When I read the Geekcon 2010 call for projects, I thought, what the hack — I’ll do it. Inspired by Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way, I decided to let creativity into my life, and start inventing things. I watched Sterling Johnson’s magnificent “Giant Stinson Beach Bubbles” clip on YouTube, and when I described it to […]

Tapestry Loom

Tapestry Loom

I have wanted to weave since I can remember, but I always thought it was impossible because of space constraints. Then I got my hands on a tapestry loom! With a tapestry loom you’re able to weave the full length of warp because it’s wrapped around the frame. You actually shift the warp bar, and […]

Kona Kai Jewelry Stand

Kona Kai Jewelry Stand

My lovely wife has been collecting vintage jewelry for most of her adult life. Some pieces she considers “too good to wear” and keeps stashed in jewelry boxes, waiting for those special occasions that never seem to come. Others she keeps in rotation, wearing favorites often, then switching them out for other favorites. One of […]

Treasure Finder

Treasure Finder

Who hasn’t dreamed about owning their own metal detector and searching for buried treasure, or at least a few dropped coins? In this project, we will build a metal detector based on a dual oscillator circuit. One oscillator is fixed, and the other varies depending upon the proximity of metal objects. The beat frequency between […]