Topaz + Arrow Launch
Crafters in the Washington, D.C. area (AKA MY HOMETOWN) you are the lucky residents of a city that just launched Topaz and Arrow, a creative collaboration between Morgan Hungerford and Virginia Arrisueño.
Crafters in the Washington, D.C. area (AKA MY HOMETOWN) you are the lucky residents of a city that just launched Topaz and Arrow, a creative collaboration between Morgan Hungerford and Virginia Arrisueño.
Enter for a chance to win $2,500 to bring yourself and your project to Maker Faire Bay Area, on May 18th & 19th in San Mateo, CA.
Call for Makers are open and active for over 20 Maker Faires around the globe. A good number are being organized by science and children’s museums, often in collaboration with local makers or makerspaces. Jerusalem Mini Maker Faire (March 18/19) and Tyler Mini Maker Faire (March 23) are two examples.
We’re thrilled to announced the release of MAKE Volume 33. See our special Software for Makers section, learn more about the Rovera robot and Raspberry Pi, and try your hand at 22 DIY projects.
We are thrilled to announce that we’re expanding to three host organizations in the Bay Area for the 2013 season: The Tech Museum of Innovation (in San Jose, for the South Bay), the Lawrence Hall of Science (in Berkeley, for the East Bay), and The Bay School of San Francisco (for San Francisco and North Bay).
Thanks to all of our MAKE contributors and readers. You all made this a banner year with many milestones…
Steampunk fans won’t want to miss ‘Vintage Tomorrows’ authors Brian David Johnson and James Carrott’s webcas this Friday, November 30, at 10am PT. They’ll be talking about what Steampunk (as a genre, movement, lifestyle, and philosophy) teaches us about the ways people are thinking about their relationships with technology.