
Vintage Computer Festival

Vintage Computer Festival

VcflogoThe 8th annual Vintage Computer Festival is being held on November 5th – 6th at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, California. The highlight of this year’s event is a Homebrew Computer Club retrospective featuring a panel of original members of the Club including Steve Wozniak, Lee Felsenstein, and others. [via] Link.



Survivorman 109Bitbot writes “I’ve been watching this [Survivorman] for a few weeks now and thought it would make a great addition to the Make blog. Good tips for those times when your stuck without any type of gadget or technology. Living off the land takes on a new meaning when wilderness survival expert and filmmaker Les “Survivorman” Stroud spends nine harrowing weeks alone in a variety of survival simulations.” Link.

MAKE hits Rolling Stone

MAKE hits Rolling Stone

51080562 D7Be0Ba454 TI’ve been meaning to post this up since I am reminded about it in all the airports I’ve been in lately – On page 96 of the October 6 Rolling Stone, MAKE was named “Hot Magazine” in Rolling Stone’s yearly hot list. It’s on stands now, for another week or so. Link. It’s a bit timely too, the current issue of MAKE is our music theme issue with 9 DIY music projects.

4th volume of MAKE is on Amazon!

200510200906 Here is an overview of MAKE 04 from Mark! “The major projects include an electric cigar box guitar, a kit to take high speed strobe photos (so you can capture a balloon or light bulb in mid-pop), and how to turn kids’ electronic toys into musical instruments. There’s also a guide to a bunch of different kinds of kits (electronic, beer making, robots, etc) and a how-to by Mr. Jalopy on converting a vintage hi-fi cabinet into an LP and CD ripper, burner, and player. David Pescovitz started a new column for the magazine called Proto, which profiles cool makers in corporate labs around the world, and Cory Doctorow weighs in on the Supreme Court’s unfortunate Grokster decision.” [via] Link.

DIY iBook – backpack -boombox!

Pic1Shannon writes “Quite likely the coolest DIY project I’ve ever seen. It’s a case to carry your laptop (or whatever you want to carry), made from an old boombox, and wired up to play music from the computer or mp3 player that is inside…I can’t seem to find one of these boomboxes ANYWHERE around here to make one for myself. I’m gonna have to resort to the high priced machines on ebay I suppose.” Link.

iPod Cozy

Make friend Chrissa Banner recently relocated to Somerville, MA where she fell in love with the hip crafts store Magpie. Seems the store stocks some way cute handmade iPod cozies and cases. Featured here are Meomi knitted cozies that come in a variety of colors to give you and your digital goods constant lovin’. Link

Plane entertainment hacking…

Plane entertainment hacking…

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On the flight to Amsterdam, for Euro OSCON and the Make Faire, there were entertainment devices in each seat, music, movies, games, etc…all on demand and all quite nice. Turns out, if you try hard, or if the system happens to crash at your seat, you can spot that it runs Linux and you might also get a free premium movie…On the way back, I’ll try and write up how to repeat it. Here’s a photo of the shell, wohoo! Link.