
American Inventor

American Inventor

Ii First there was Modern Marvels and here comes another invention reality show, you know – I’ll watch these, I hope everyone gets excited about people making things and reality TV still attracts a lot of people. American Inventor is an exciting new primetime reality show for ABC from Simon Cowell and the producers of American Idol . Set to premiere in early 2006, the show will undertake the biggest search ever for America’s best new invention. An embodiment of the ultimate American dream, the show will uncover the hottest new product and make some struggling inventor’s dream come true. [via] Link. If anyone knows anyone at either Modern Marvels or American Inventor, we’d love to chat with them!

Modern Marvels Invent Now Challenge

Modern Marvels Invent Now Challenge

Screenshot 01-15 Ok Makers, start your soldering irons – The History Channel announced they are in search of the nation’s next great invention idea. Inventors throughout time have shared one common attribute – a unique gift for seeing a reality that does not yet exist. The Modern Marvels Invent Now Challenge provides an opportunity for independent inventors to be discovered and to influence the ever-changing face of invention. Link. I read the terms and FAQ, you’d own everything you enter, which is good.

Treehugger round up…

Treehugger round up…

Gizmodo has a nice round up of what’s been shaking over at Treehugger, an excellent site devoted to Earth friendly things – indoor solar project, hand cranked iPod, power assist bikes and glass that can product electricity. And on that note, here’s the winner of the DIY Eco-tech Contest: the solar-powered hydrofoil sent in by Terrence Breitsameter and built by the Marquette Solar Energy Society. In addition to the solar backpack, MAKE is giving them a 2 year subscription to MAKE and our limited edition T-Shirt!

The Mechannibals

The Mechannibals

Tools Doug writes “Caught this program on BBC2 in the UK last night, unfortunately information is scarce on the web “two mechanically minded families will go head-to-head designing and constructing mind-blowing inventions – using only the materials they have in their house!”. Last night the teams had to make a beer chilling and dispensing system and a contraption to smash crockery. Donor items from their houses included piping from central heating systems, living room door, cement mixer, kettle, microwave and a car to name only a few. A must watch for all the UK makers out there. Link.

Zach’s Cool Stuff

Zach’s Cool Stuff

Smallhandwhite Make pal Zach has a great resource for building things “We are a non-profit school dedicated to teaching kids and adults about electronics, robotics, and general building of cool stuff. In just a few weeks we are holding a four week class entitled “Making Stuff with Stuff”. It’s a mixture of materials science and practical techniques for designing and prototyping. We also have classes in electronics prototyping and programming microcontrollers. All the info is on our website” Link.