


15003337 Fb29Ab39E2 T Make reader Ross from the UK writes “I took the preview pdf of the “Lets Rumble” article from the front page and experimented with trying to fit it into the PSP photo size. Well it worked really well so i finished off the article and put it on my PSP. It looks great so i thought i would share it you” Here are the photos. And here is a ZIP file with the images sized for the PSP, just place them in the PSP/PHOTOS directory on your memory stick.

Killing time in Line- Audio!

Killing time in Line- Audio!

This week we released 3 audio shows to help pass the time waiting in line for Episode III and as DIY noise cancelation. Today while in line the fellow in front of us had seen it already and was convinced it was a good idea to tell everyone around him all the details. Don’t let this happen to you, get these audio shows. Yahoo! Music interview with Ian Rogers, DIY Robotics with Thomas Burick from White Box Robotics and DIY Droid/R2-D2 builders with Tom Jozwiak & Kelly Krider.

MAKE on RocketBoom

MAKE on RocketBoom

I watch the daily news vlog (video blog) called RocketBoom with Amanda Congdon and today MAKE appeared on there! I had shot a video about our 2nd issue for a friend about our podcast article and it was automatically downloaded via ANT, then played. More about ANT here. And go check out the RocketBoom video here.

MakeShift Awards!

MakeShift Awards!

Makeshift Awards
In MAKE 01 readers were challenged with a scenario of being stranded far from civilization with a dead car battery. Tons of amazing responses and earlier we posted the analysis and winners. Here’s what they won- a custom Maker-made T-Shirt, a SWISSMEMORY
USB Victorinox 512MB and this MAKE trophy from William Lidwell of stuffcreators -photos of the Victorinox, packaging and shirt here. Issue 02 (shipping now) will have another great shifter! Be sure to enter!

Winners for MakeShift 01

MAKE author William Lidwell had his work cut out for him when it came to selecting the winners in MakeShift 01, where readers were challenged with a scenario of being stranded far from civilization with a dead car battery. As he reports, “MAKE readers answered the challenge with audacity and vigor”.

The winners have been selected, and you can read all about it in our web Extra, MakeShift 01: Analysis, Commentary, and Winners.

If you have to be stranded with a dead battery, you’d be lucky to be stranded with a group of MAKE readers. Unless, of course, you were the one who left the lights on. Then they might just hang you over the side of a cliff as part of their solution…