
Sarah Duyer’s Creepy Pottery Looks Like it Will Crawl Away

Sarah Duyer’s Creepy Pottery Looks Like it Will Crawl Away

Sarah Duyer’s series of teapots and cups, fittingly titled “Comfort/Discomfort,” seem as if they’re crawling away on insectoid legs.

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See an Artist Make Working Gears from Wire

See an Artist Make Working Gears from Wire

Arthur Ganson is one of my all time favorite kinetic artists, so when I found out he had a YouTube channel, naturally, I watched every one of his videos. Many of the pieces in his portfolio involve gears made of wires, and I was pleasantly surprised to find out that he had a video showing […]

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Cigar Box Fiddles by Xylocopa Design

Among other whimsical items, Xylocopa Design fabricates unique musical instruments, such as this 5 stringed boxy fiddle. These creations were born from Michele’s practice in musical instrument repair and grew into the design of completely new instruments that she demonstrated for delighted visitors at Maker Faire Bay Area 2011.

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