
Bicycle wheel table

Bicycle wheel table

I really like this bicycle wheel table @ Made in Design, seems like a good (re)make – [via] Link. More tables: Knife, fork and spoon table – Link. HOW TO – Make a Pinball Coffee Table – Link. Multiprocessor CD-ROM chess table – Link. LED Dining table – Link. 2500 LED pong table – Link. […]

LED Bike helmet

LED Bike helmet

Great LED bike helmet project from R.Stern – Here is how to add safety LEDs to your bike helmet using conductive paint. I was always losing those lights you clip on to your bike, and they’re not cheap or good quality. instructables : LED Bike Helmet – Link. Related: HOW TO – Make a LED […]

Broken bike component sculpture art

Broken bike component sculpture art

Chris writes in with some great bike sculptures! – I’ve been making sculptures with broken bicycle components and finally got round to taking photos of them. The sculptures are harder to make than you’d think because they are bolted together using existing holes rather than welded like the stuff you sometimes see in stores. The […]

Bicycle Forest

After watching this video about a Rhoades Car, I checked out the couch bike, hulabike, treadmill bike, and other projects from the Bicycle Forest blog. It’s worth a gander if you’re into bikes! While you’re there, check out the bikeCAD software for making your own bike to your specs! – Link

Temporary bicycle trailer

Temporary bicycle trailer

Benno sent in a simple temporary bicycle trailer you can build… This a Temporary Bicycle Trailer I made, out of a sled, a kick scooter and some junk. It’s temporary because it’s easy to dismount the sled and the wheels to go sledding or to ride your kick scooter, storing the tiny frame of the […]