Dial Like a Hipster: Make a Bluetooth Rotary Dial
You can experience the soothing chatter of a rotary encoder sending out your digits by building a Bluetooth rotary dial for your cell phone.
You can experience the soothing chatter of a rotary encoder sending out your digits by building a Bluetooth rotary dial for your cell phone.
Today Punch Through Design launched a Kickstarter campaign for their new Bluetooth LE Arduino-compatible microcontroller board the Bean+.
Manufacturers were quick to support Google’s new Eddystone beacon standard, but in the rush to support it, some manufacturers are ignoring basic security.
Using a combination of Lego bricks and other electronics, Danny built a robot that is controlled wirelessly by a wearable Lego “exosuit.”
Self-driving cars are in the news almost daily, but they are not exactly in my automotive budget for this decade. Today, that has changed. While this car might be smaller and not capable of giving me a ride, it’s still autonomous and, best of all, it is a project that I absolutely want to build! The […]
As more and more of our technology becomes automatic, wireless, invisible, and connected, it simultaneously has a greater potential to slip from our immediate attention. Matt Martin, a Masters student at Auckland University of Technology in New Zealand, is most interested in how technology affects us. He designed “Wearable Beacon,” a seemingly normal shirt that […]
If you ride a motorcycle with another rider, you may decide that an intercom system would be an excellent way to communicate without constantly shouting. You could buy a purpose-built unit, but what fun would that be? This Instructables article by “Stuffman” shows you how to hook up a bunch of components with (if all the […]