Maker Pro News: From the Trenches of Kickstarter, and More
Makerbot Founder Bre Pettis’ new venture, the value of bringing your own ideas to market, and more maker pro news.
Makerbot Founder Bre Pettis’ new venture, the value of bringing your own ideas to market, and more maker pro news.
Bre Pettis will be leaving his position as the CEO of MakerBot in order to lead up a new division at the parent company, Stratasys, called “The Innovation Workshop.” Jennifer Lawton, who has been with the company since 2011, will be stepping into his place as CEO in 2015. While this initially started as an […]
MakerBot’s CEO Bre Pettis chats with MAKE Digital Fabrication Editor Anna Kaziunas France about the Replicator Mini, Replicator, and the Replicator Z18 3D printers.
Last week I saw Michael Weinberg’s article on MAKE “Stratasys Sues Afinia: Ramifications for the Desktop 3D Printing Industry”. After reading it I had more questions about Stratasys, patents and MakerBot. I emailed Bre Pettis the CEO of MakerBot and with permission I am posting up the responses here on MAKE, thank you Bre!
O’Reilly Media is having a terrific sale on three of our new titles today and we want to ensure that you know about it.
MakerBot Industries today demonstrated their new 3D scanner, the Digitizer, in a press event at their Brooklyn headquarters.
MAKE magazine Editor-in-Chief Mark Frauenfelder interviews MakerBot co-founder (and MAKE alum) Bre Pettis about 3D printing, scanning, and how exiciting it is to be a maker right now.