Collin’s Lab: Electronics Tools
A run through of basic and indispensable electronics tools to get newcomers properly geared up
A run through of basic and indispensable electronics tools to get newcomers properly geared up
A true classic for DIY synth makers and circuit benders, the Atari Punk Console can kick out some ear-catching square waves. It’s easy to build and a lot of fun to play around with. It may be challenging to make traditional music with an APC, but hey-, there’s enough of that around already, right?
The requisite starting point for anything electronic – you won’t get much blinking, buzzing, or processing done without a power supply.
Not all electronic signals are communicated via electricity. By transmitting information in the form of light, we can avoid many limitations inherent to traditional wiring. And on top of all those benefits – fiber optics are just straight-up cool!
Elemental to electronics hardware, manually-operated switches are the simplest of electromechanical devices — and likely the most familiar.
Collin explains Pulse Width Modulation, a simple method for controlling analog devices via a digital signal.
Measuring brainwaves is not just for neuroscientists anymore. So, how shall we use our newfound sensory powers?