Crafting with Nature

Wood Wall Sculpture

Curbly has a killer wood wall sculpture made by Liv and Jeff McMillan as seen in their house tour over on Apartment Therapy. Bringing the outdoors into your interior home design is always welcome in my book and this project is a great way to do so. More: How-To: Wood Wall Hanging How-To: Paper Cherry […]

How-To: Beer Mug

The rising temperatures and humidity in the northeast have me craving a cold frosty brew, and what better way to drink it than in a wooden beer mug you made yourself. Drean on Instructables shows you how to form this design, although you should investigate to be sure the wood you use isn’t treated with […]

Flower Petal Stained Glass Windows

I love the fresh, playful feeling of these contact paper flower petal stained glass windows from Jean of The Artful Parent. As she mentions in the comments, she arranged the petals on the contact paper and then sandwiched them directly on to the glass. If you were worried about the contact paper not coming off […]