
Electric cupcakes

Electric cupcakes

Several years ago, my then science department head and former 9th grade science teacher was retiring. Bob Webster brought me many useful and entertaining ideas. He had our whole department making wikis to share information in the early 00’s. Through him, I learned more about computer repair, web design, programming and electricity. He helped me to cultivate a positive environment encouraging kids to work with and understand concepts that many find intimidating. So what to bring to his party? Electric Cupcakes, of course!

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Fractal Snowflake Cupcakes

The fine folks over at Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories are really good at making math yummy. Cupcakes are all the rage these days, and I just love snowflakes, no matter what the season. EMS Labs shows us how to bring the Koch snowflake into the kitchen. Now that’s a tasty equation! (Thanks, Brookelynn!)

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