
DIY pillbox laser projector

DIY pillbox laser projector

What do you get when you combine a laser pointer, pillbox, and an Arduino? If you’re maker Raul Aguaviva, you’ll get an awesome DIY laser projector, of course. In addition to its relatively spartan design, the creative use of a heptagonal pillbox for a polygon greatly reduces the overall cost and complexity of the device.

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Novetron pseudorandom blinky light ring

Novetron pseudorandom blinky light ring

Blinking lights are good, right? String enough of them together in a circle and you have a pretty interesting display. Maker Don Roberts builds such a display. It’s called the Novetron Mark I and it’s available in Makers Market.

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Synchronized iPod touch grid

When I first saw this proof of concept synchronized grid of iPods I wondered why somebody would go through all the trouble. I have to catch myself when I think like this. Sometimes it’s best to just appreciate the polychromatic glow and short staccato chirping for what it is.

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