
How To: Edge-lit display

How To: Edge-lit display

Inspired by EMSL’s holiday cards, Grathio wrote up his steps for creating edge-lit displays for general usage covering an easy method for multi-image displays – Lets say we’re making an electronic Tic-Tac-Toe game. Ideally we want either an X or an O in the same place. To do this we make and X and an […]

Chutney jar PCB etch

I had two circuit boards nagging me to be etched this morning. Without a photo developing tray, it seemed some modifications in technique were in order. Into the recycling bin I went looking for a smallish, wide mouthed glass jar. Yesterday’s sandwich polished off a tasty mango chutney, and the jar was just about right. A little bit of cleaning, and it was ready for business.

The leftover etchant from yesterday’s vinyl pcb resist experiment was in a plastic bottle and still had some potency left in it. The tea water was still hot on the stove, so it was ready to provide some double boiler action. I poured some hot water into a steel pan, put the ferric chloride into the jar and dropped in the first board.

Laser-less tactile rubik’s cube

Laser-less tactile rubik’s cube

Instructables Member GTIG has a well documented Instructable on creating a tactile Rubik’s cube. This cube brings a unique characteristic to solving a Rubik’s cube that no other cube does… the ability to say “I solved it without even looking at it once.” Rather than building hand-eye coordination, it builds hand-mind coordination. I find that […]

DIY etching tank

DIY etching tank

From the MAKE Flickr photo pool Flickr member Aaron_f constructed this pro-looking etch tank from an acrylic magazine holder It’s quite full-featured – complete with heater, agitator and thermometer. Nice job, happy chemical milling to you! Related: DIY PCB Bubble etch tank From the pages of MAKE: Primer: Printed Circuit Boards Make:02 p.166