Art Hack Day Returns to Brooklyn
Over 60 makers, artists, and hackers will gather at a warehouse in Brooklyn this week, and spend two days building collaborative projects. Their wares will be on display on Saturday starting at 7PM.
Over 60 makers, artists, and hackers will gather at a warehouse in Brooklyn this week, and spend two days building collaborative projects. Their wares will be on display on Saturday starting at 7PM.
Innovative edible creations abound at this year’s Gowanus Studio Space Jell-O Mold Competition, visited and co-judged by Becky Stern. More info:
Maker Faire is this weekend! If you are in the Bay Area, come out and experience the magic. It is in San Mateo. Annnnd… here is our weekly listing of upcoming craft fairs. Please add any events you know of to our online calendar, and if you have a call for vendors you’d like listed, […]
I worked as a volunteer during the very first Maker Faire Bay Area in 2006, and I haven’t missed one since! It was exhilarating, and exhausting all at the same time. In between working my shifts at the Maker Check-In, I met Suzy Pakhchyan, of Fashioning Technology, and stitched my very first soft circuit. Since […]
Here’s one of my favorite notes ever. It’s from a Lucy Leith, about her experience at Maker Faire, which she attended last year with her dad, Andy. My name is Lucy Leith, and I am a 13-year-old maker. I heard about Maker Faire through MAKE magazine, and thought that it would be a cool thing […]
Craft Bar, two of my favorite words combined into one awesome event. The Craft Bar is the definitely the most creative-activity-driven party I’ve ever heard of happening at a museum. Hosted regularly at the San Francisico Museum of Craft and Folk Art, the Craft Bar is a way to connect with one of the most […]
This weekend the MakeMobile was on the tarmac at the NASA Ames Research Center for Yuri’s Night, a massive global celebration of Yuri Gagarin’s first flight into space. 211 parties were held across the globe, and even the astronauts on the International Space Station had one! The Bay Area event featured two days of educational […]