
The Steel Yard’s Iron Pour fires up in Providence on 10/30

The Steel Yard’s Iron Pour fires up in Providence on 10/30

Watch the Iron Guild fire up their furnaces for the 4th annual molten metal spectacular. In the past they’ve brought us fiery hearts, zombie kings, and glowing skulls. This year…pumpkin casting and a giant flaming Jack-O-Lantern!

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How-To:  Make pyrophoric iron

How-To: Make pyrophoric iron

A former chemistry teacher of mine provided a great definition of “pyrophoric:” [It] means that if you playfully squirt some at your lab mates, they will burst into flame. In other (less amusing) words, a “pyrophoric” substance is one that ignites spontaneously on exposure to air. Pyrophoric iron, however, isn’t as dangerous as that makes […]

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A different kind of pyro art

A different kind of pyro art

Rosemarie Fiore makes a different kind of fire art. She uses controlled detonations of fireworks on paper to disperse bursts of saturated color. Rosemarie tells MAKE how she does it: I bomb blank sheets of paper with different fireworks including color smoke bombs, jumping jacks, monster balls, fountains, magic whips, spinning carnations, ground blooms, rings […]

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