Butterfly GPS shows you the way

Butterfly GPS shows you the way

This “Butterfly GPS” device was built with an ATmega169 microcontroller, a GPS receiver board based on the SiRF chipset, and an LCD screen that reads out the data in real-time as location, date and time. Very simple construction and nice details on how it was built at the PDF link below. A Butterfly GPS (PDF), […]

Open GPS tracker

Open GPS tracker

Mike writes in about his super-cool Open GPS Tracker. Here is the simplest build-it-yourself GPS tracker yet. No expensive GSM module required – I am using the $20 GoPhone from WalMart or Target. Uses a 14-pin AVR microcontroller, a voltage regulator, a transistor, a GPS module 2 inches across, and that’s it. My open source […]

DIY GPS tracking with Mologogo – review

DIY GPS tracking with Mologogo – review

MoloEarlier, we posted about the DIY cheap GPS tracking service Mologogo, you can get a cheap $60 pre-paid boost mobile phone, register on the site, download a Java app and you’re pretty much done. The phone will transmit your position to server (Uses Rails, Linux, Google Maps) and you/your friends can view where you are at in real time. I’ve hacked up tons of solutions to do the same thing, and this is simplest and cheapest (pretty much free if you have the phone, or $60 if you go pre-paid + 0.20 / day). Here are some photos and screenshots of the service in use…

Build a vehicle tracker on the cheap

Build a vehicle tracker on the cheap

Here’s a how-to on building a low cost vehicle tracker using the Telit GM862-GPS module. The GM862-GPS is a hardware module that supports connections on local GSM networks as well as GPS signals. In addition, this device supports a Python interpreter which allows for easy interfacing to build a simple tracker. Lots of info at […]