Robotic swarm over Switzerland

Robotic swarm over Switzerland

Subscriber RocketGuy tipped us off to this EPFL School of Engineering project involving a fleet of swarming flying robots. Using an ant-inspired swarming algorithm running on a Linux SBC, this network of swarming micro air vehicles is purportedly the largest of its kind.

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Print-cut-fold Google map envelope generator

Print-cut-fold Google map envelope generator

I actually had to send some snail-mail recently and remembered the clever Google map envelope trick from Beste Miray Dogan that made the rounds awhile back. Turns out, a friendly bloke named Stephen has created a handy generator website that lets you input your return address and then automagically creates a printable cut-and-fold pattern.

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Google has a Great Glass Elevator; they call it “Liquid Galaxy”

Google has a Great Glass Elevator; they call it “Liquid Galaxy”

.all of a sudden, flying around in Google Earth really felt like flying, and exploring the ocean trenches was like piloting a submarine. When you splashed through the sea surface you cringed slightly, expecting to get wet. You could even command your own lander down to the Moon or Mars…With the Liquid Galaxy, we could fly through the Grand Canyon, leap into low-Earth orbit, and come back down to perch on the Great Pyramid of Giza without even breaking a sweat.

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Crossroads (what to do) by Garvin Nolte Crossroads (what not to do) is a video installation with GPS devices by artist Garvin Nolte: The video installation “crossroads (what to do)” deals with the influence of others onto one’s own path of life in an abstract way. [via Core77]

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Build mobile apps visually with App Inventor for Android

Build mobile apps visually with App Inventor for Android

Google’s App Inventor for Android (beta) is a tool that will help you visually design mobile apps and run them on an Android device. This should be exciting news for all the Open Blocks/Scratch fans out there as the project uses the Open Blocks Java library distributed by MIT’s Scheller Teacher Education Program.

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1920s version of GPS!

In response to our post on the 1930s car-based mechanical mapping device, MAKE reader Simon posted a link to this earlier, wrist-borne scroll-map navigator, from the 20s! Here’s a bit more background on it. Plus Four Wristlet Route Indicator: Original GPS More: 1930s answer to GPS

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