
Sharing tools and expertise, for technical training and creative collaboration.

What is a Hacker? Ask One.

What is a Hacker? Ask One.

I love this pair of “interviews” that hacker legends Mitch Altman and Emmanuel Goldstein gave to the Media Show. When someone says they are a hacker, what do they mean? Are they just big computer geeks? Are they doing illegal criminal things, breaking in and stealing passwords? Mitch Altman, inventor of the TV-B-Gone, tells us […]

Hackerspace.gr Overview

Hackerspace.gr Overview

Be sure to check out this great interview with a member of Hackerspace.gr in Athens, Greece. Note that the above interview is in Greek, for a translated (but alas, unembedable) version, see the main interview page. The Hackerspace is an open space for creativity, collaboration, research, course development and learning. But it is more than […]

LVL1’s MOTHER Automates the Hackerspace

LVL1’s MOTHER Automates the Hackerspace

Louisville’s hackerspace LVL1 is working on a home automation setup for the space, and they call it MOTHER. Using open-source home automation software called HOLOS, the capabilities include: * Monitoring of LVL1 Space Occupancy & Zone Occupancy * Measuring of “Hacktivity Levels” of each Zone * Monitoring of individual member occupancy * INSTANT WOMP MODE! […]

Global Hackerspace Cupcake Challenge

Global Hackerspace Cupcake Challenge

The second annual Global Hackerspace Cupcake Challenge will take place this coming weekend. The goal? To send cupcakes to other hackerspaces and have them arrive in pristine condition. Here are the rules: * Cupcake must be a standard sized or larger cupcake with frosting and at least one sugar based topper/decoration. * The cupcake should […]