
Track Down Runaway Mac Apps

Recently, there’s been a lot of feedback and internal discussion around the topic of Powerbook Fever. Phil’s post about using smcFanControl to cool you Mac down solves part of the problem, but Mac OS X in a Nutshell co-author Chris Stone suggests that overheating is often times the result of a runaway process: Sounds like […]

Internet weather forecast accuracy

Internet weather forecast accuracy

Ever wonder which internet weather site was the most accurate? OmniNerd breaks it down… – Weather forecasting is a secure and popular online presence, which is understandable. The weather affects most everyone’s life, and the Internet can provide information on just about any location at any hour of the day or night. But how accurate […]

Caffeinated sites

Caffeinated sites

Are you an over the counter stimulant junky? It’s ok to admit it, you’re among friends here. I drink about 5 cups of black coffee a day, but I’m always looking for something that less rocket fuel tasting. My pal Mikey pointed me to Energy fiend, a fantastic site that has new caffeinated energy drinks […]