
Handmade Music Night is this night!

Create Digital Music, Etsy, and MAKE join forces to bring to life another night of audio-crafting delight – July 8th @ the Etsy Labs. Come see a myriad of sound-bearing ideas made real – Chiptune game-music Wireless sensor driven sound Wii balance board instrumentation Custom software for sound-mutation Experimental MIDI controllers of oddity If you’re […]

Crest Hardware Art Show

Crest Hardware Art Show

var digg_url = ‘http://digg.com/arts_culture/Crest_Hardware_Art_Show’; Every year the Crest Hardware store in Williamsburg Brooklyn hosts a collection of work from local artists. The entertaining and often humorous art is displayed along side a familiar selection of tools and supplies. Store manager Joseph Franquinha explains – My father, Manny, has always impressed upon me the importance of […]

Seriously screwed up

Seriously screwed up

If your all-time favorite simple machine is the helical inclined plane, if words like “panhead,” “countersink,” and “Pozidriv” have a mysteries hold over you, if your idea of fun is looking at vintage YouTube footage of Soviet-era screw-drive vehicles (and whose isn’t?), you’ll want to bookmark the singular hardware high weirdness that is the Screw […]