Geek Out with Adam Savage Over The Martian’s Space Suit
Adam Savage just got the coolest loan from Fox studios: the costume space suit from The Martian!
Adam Savage just got the coolest loan from Fox studios: the costume space suit from The Martian!
Shawn Thorsson’s Flametrooper helmet replica pays homage to the upcoming Force Awakens installment of Star Wars
Watch to see how these massive Star Wars helmets were made.
Maker Simone Giertz creates a ridiculous, impractical, yet awesome motorized helmet that brushes her teeth. Sorta.
If you’ve just seen the Guardians of the Galaxy movie, you may have decided you need a Star Lord helmet. I haven’t seen it yet, but have to assume that this Star Lord isn’t too concerned about getting blasted (or rapidly decompressed) on the top of his head. These concerns aside, Youtuber “AlwaysTimsTime” actually made […]
This Paper Pulp Helmet by Bobby Petersen, Tom Gottelier and Edward Thomas is made from recycled paper and designed for short-term use so that it can be recycled again!
Bellino Alain created this fascinating take on Darth Vader using what look to be antique fixtures and household hardware. The resulting helmet is equal parts dark side and floral panache. I love when makers take familiar forms and re-imagine them using discarded materials. A fine job, indeed.